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On August 12, 2021, Semi Service, Inc. was acquired by Reading Truck Group. Read the Press Release.
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Liquid Ice Control Equipment

Sales, Parts, Service in Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and Wyoming

Liquid Ice Control Equipment for Sale

Electric Liquid Ice Control SpreadersElectric Liquid Ice Control Spreaders
Liquid Spray De-Icing SystemsLiquid Spray De-Icing Systems
Liquid Brine De-Icing SystemsLiquid Brine De-Icing Systems
Pickup Truck Liquid Ice ControlLiquid Ice Control Equipment
Hydraulic Liquid Ice Control SpreadersHydraulic Liquid Ice Control Spreaders
Gas Liquid Ice Control SpreadersGas Liquid Ice Control Spreaders
Municipal Liquid Ice Control EquipmentMunicipal Liquid Ice Control Equipment
Pre-Wetting Salt SystemsPre-Wetting Salt Systems
UTV Liquid Ice ControlUTV Liquid Ice Control

Snow & Ice Equipment Brands We Carry

Buyers Cirus Controls Fisher Force America Henderson SnowEx Western Winter

Liquid Ice Control Equipment Resources

Choosing the Best Ice Melt: Liquid vs Salt De-Icing

Spring is just around the corner, but we’re not out of the woods yet! We never know what the last leg of winter will throw at us, so it’s best to be prepared with all of your snow and ice removal equipment, including your salt spreader(s). Here’s a look at some of the main types of salt spreaders available.

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New Understanding of Water Molecules May Help to Control Ice Formation

In an attempt to better understand the differences in ice formation on various surfaces, researchers have discovered that the arrangement of surface atoms on water molecules are the key. This revelation may ultimately improve weather forecasts and help to develop ways to prevent ice...


Liquid Deicing Application Strategies by Author John Allin

Ice control on parking lots requires some capital investment. While a truck is needed, it does not necessarily need to be a truck outfitted with a plow. In fact, there are some compelling arguments that having a truck plow and salt is not an effective use of resources.

Read More on Snow Magazine's website

Contact Us for Liquid Ice Control Equipment Sales, Parts, or Service

Salt Lake City Location

Phone: (801) 521-0360

4285 West 1385 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Get Directions (Google Maps)

Liquid Ice Control Equipment Sales Department

We have the liquid ice control equipment you need for your work truck. Give our snow and ice sales department a call or stop by if you're in Salt Lake City. Our sales team also travels extensively through Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona.

Snow & Ice Sales Department

Liquid Ice Control Equipment Parts Department

Give our snow and ice parts department a call to find a specific part or for help choosing the right part. If you're in Salt Lake City, visit our parts department store. Need that part now? We also offer emergency parts replacement 24/7/365, with local delivery for those within a 50 mile radius of our location.

Snow & Ice Parts Department

Liquid Ice Control Equipment Service Department

Let us service your liquid ice control system or spreader in our full snow and ice service department. We do full vehicle modifications, equipment installs, repairs, maintenance checks, and more. We also offer local pick up and delivery for those in the Salt Lake City area.

Snow & Ice Service Department

Have a question?

Liquid Ice Control Sales, Parts, Service

Everything you need, right in one place! Liquid de-icing system sales, installation, conversions, and more at Semi Service in Salt Lake City.

Call Us Now
(801) 521-0360
Liquid Ice Control Sales, Parts, Service